Weight Watchers Cereal Review-- Breakfast Better
I recently received two free boxes of Weight Watchers cereal thanks to BzzAgent as well as MOM Brands, distributor of Weight Watchers cereals. The two flavors I received were Oat Clusters with Cherries & Almonds and Frosted Shredded Wheat with Protein. It contains real fruit, whole grains and 3-5 plus points value for Weight Watchers PointsPlus. I decided to try Oat Clusters first because I love almonds and cherries. I grabbed a handful to taste before adding my milk and it was delicious. It did not taste like a 'diet cereal' to me. Really crunchy and sweet. After adding my milk, I began eating it. I usually don't partake in cereal for breakfast because I can never sit still long enough to eat it and the cereal usually ends up 'smooshy' and in the trash- I'm too busy running behind my toddlers. There was no change in my schedule with my first bowl, but as I ate here and there while doing my morning routine, the cereal did stay crunchy enough for me to enjoy it. It's sweet enough- no need to add any extra sugar. My two year old daughter enjoyed it too. She took my second bowl-which is an added plus to keep me from over-indulging. A healthy breakfast cereal that my kids also like. I was really impressed with the taste. It's a healthy way to start a great day. Delicious.
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