DHD Culinary's Flippy Sport Water Bottle with Flip Top Straw #Review #waterbottle

DHD Culinary's Flippy Sport Water Bottle with Flip Top Straw is a very nice, sturdy bottle. This bottle is BPA free. It's a Tritan slim curved bottle that holds up to 22 oz. of water. It has a handle on the top that has a loop which makes it easy to carry or hook to anything. The top is a flip top straw which is long enough to reach to the bottom. This bottle is lightweight yet sturdy. I really like this bottle. I can fill it up, pop it in the fridge and grab it to take with me. The top seals really well so you won't have to deal with any messy leaks. My kids also love my water bottle- I have to pry it out of my little girl's hands. It's a very nice bottle that I will definitely get a lot of use out of.  As a blogger, I am provided products by companies in exchange for my honest feedback, as DHD has here with this bottle. A very cute water bottle, you can check out more here @ http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=sport%20water%20bottle%2C%20B00TZA4Q8S


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