Kuuk Stainless Steel Garlic Press #Review #Kuuk

Kuuk Stainless Steel Garlic Press makes mincing garlic a breeze!! I received this press in return for my honest review. I absolutely love it!! It's made of stainless steel. It's rust proof and durable. I don't have to worry about dropping and breaking this press. It's lightweight yet very sturdy. This press is easy to hold and comfortable to use. The handles are long enough to hold a steady grasp when mincing and pressing. What I love most about this press is that I don't have to peel garlic before pressing. Nothing I hate more than peeling garlic. There's no way around it but there's no replacing fresh garlic. With this press, I can stick the clove of garlic (skin and all) in the press, squeeze and minced garlic is ready. I don't have to try and cut up small cloves of garlic. I can use this mincer and have fresh minced garlic within minutes. This press is dishwasher safe and clean up is easy. I've tried other garlic presses before and always reverted back to chopping with my knife. I have finally found the perfect press. Highly recommend!! You can find out more about Kuuk Stainless Steel Garlic Press @ http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00UYSA8LO 


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