"Tales of Spook" e-book by Lady Jenniviere Review #LadyJennivieresquill
I received the opportunity along with my 9 year old son to receive a free copy of "Tales of Spook" (a pre-teen/middle grade e-book) in return for my unbiased opinion. This is book 2 in a series of 6 of Lady Jenniviere's Quill. When I downloaded the book, I noticed the amount of pages it had. It's a small novel and not a short story. My son was excited to start on the book. He loved the fact that the main character was his age. And monsters, oh my, definitely captured his attention. The book is about Noel, a 9 year old who is getting ready to turn 10 and he's the only child. He's a perfect little boy with a best friend named Stacey. Noel is preparing to celebrate his birthday when he comes across a monster named Spook. No one believes him when he tells them about Spook. The premise of the book is about listening and understanding when a child is asking for help. I liked that the book did have an important message and told it in an imaginative way. It teaches that sometimes the hero fails and the monster may turn out to be the hero. It shows the importance of loyalty and friendship in a very cute and funny way. I enjoyed the book just as much as my son. A really creative read with a good twist at the end. Definitely recommend it!1 Find out more about it here @http://www.amazon.com/Tales-Spook-Lady-Jenniviere/dp/1941723012/ref=pd_sim_b_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=0EYEGH0PX6AR0RR7ERQT
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