Home-it Stainless Steel Bread Box #Review #breadbox

I received Home-it Stainless Steel Bread Box in return for my unbiased review. This is a very sleek and stylish bread box. It's made of stainless steel and just looks great. It's very shiny and looks great on the counter top. I was surprised at how large this box is. It measures at 16.5" x 10' x 8". It has more than enough room for a loaf of bread. This is a great storage box for bread, snacks, etc. I can place the kids' a daily allotment of snacks for easy access. This box is sturdy yet lightweight. The door opens and closes smoothly. It keeps bread or baked goods nice and cool. This is great to help organize and update the kitchen. It looks amazing and I am loving it. You can find out more about Home-it Stainless Steel Bread Box @ http://www.amazon.com/Home--Stainless-kitchen-storage-16-5x10x8/dp/B00O5AHWDO/ref=sr_1_18?ie=UTF8&qid=1436384837&sr=8-18&keywords=homeit.


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